But when sleep sets in, history begins, but the future will win, when you dream. -- Barenaked Ladies, When you Dream

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future: Index

It has been a long road, but we’re finally done on our look back over Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future. For the sake of posterity, I’ve collected all the posts here.

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future Episodes

  1. The Future! The Shiny Neon Future!: Shattered (October 2011)
  2. Yippie-ti-yi-yo, Get Along Wardoggies: Wardogs (November 2011)
  3. Old Soldiers Don’t Die, They Just Get Digitized: The Abyss (November 2011)
  4. Our Last, Best Hope for Kool-Aid: Final Stand (December 2011)
  5. For in that Sleep of Death, What Dreams May Come: Pariah (June 2014)
  6. She Blinded me With Science: A Fire in the Dark (June 2014)
  7. I Am He as You Are He as You Are Me: The Mirror in Darkness (July 2014)
  8. Don’t Even Fix a Price: The Ferryman (August 2014)
  9. Gonna Lay Down my Burden, Down by the Riverside: And Study War No More (August 2014)
  10. Broke Into the Old Apartment: The Intruder (September 2014)
  11. The Only Choice We’re Given is How Many Megatons: Flame Street (September 2014)
  12. I’m Starting With the Man In the Mirror: Gemini and Counting (November 2014)
  13. I Can’t Control the Beast That is My Anger: And Madness Shall Reign (November 2014)
  14. Who am I? 24601!: Judgment (November 2014)
  15. So Long Ago, Certain Place, Certain Time: A Summoning of Thunder Part 1 (December 2014)
  16. But if Our Paths Never Cross, Well You Know I’m Sorry But: A Summoning of Thunder Part 2 (December 2014)
  17. Heading Out to Eden, Yea, Brother: The Eden Road (January 2015)
  18. I Heard You On The Wireless Back in ’52: Freedom One (February 2015)
  19. Light the Sky and Hold on Tight: New Order Part 1: The Sky Shall Swallow Them (February 2015)
  20. The World is Burning Down: New Order Part 2: The Land Shall Burn (February 2015)
  21. You Know the Rules: Retribution Part 1 (March 2015)
  22. And So Do I: Retribution Part 2 (March 2015)

Captain Power Comics

  1. Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future Issue 1 (October 2012)
  2. Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future Issue 2 (December 2014)
  3. The Captain Power Annual (March 2015)

The Voice of the Resistance: Obscure Contemporaries of Captain Power

  1. Introduction / The Rose of Yesterday (September 2014)
  2. Second Chance (September 2014)
  3. Out of this World (October 2014)
  4. Max Headroom: Twenty Minutes into the Future (October 2014)
  5. Probe (October 2014)

Captain Power Miscellanea

  1. The Captain Power DVD (January 2012)
  2. The original Captain Power demo reel (June 2012)
  3. The Captain Power reboot (September 2012)
  4. The Training Videos (December 2014)
  5. Season 2 and Epilogue (April 2015)

Deep Ice: Adaptations of The War of the Worlds

  1. The Mercury Theater’s War of the Worlds (October 2014)
  2. War of the Worlds: Breaking News (January 2015)
  3. WKBW’s War of the Worlds (January 2015)
  4. The Great Martian War 1913-1917 (January 2015)
  5. War of the Worlds: Goliath (February 2015)
  6. The War of the Worlds 1953 (March 2015)
  7. George Pal’s War of the Worlds TV Series pitch (March 2015)

5 thoughts on “Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future: Index”

  1. I only found this site a few months ago, and I have to say, I have enjoyed it immensely. I was starting to think I was alone in even remembering Captain Power, much less enjoying it. I have also enjoyed the War of the Worlds articles, and hope to see a bit more on the syndicated series of that, which I also watched. In an case, thank you for this! Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

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