I was with you on that palace steaming, spinning 'round in circles, dreaming. -- Sarah McLachlan, Steaming

They Rebelled, They Evolved, and They Have A Plan

Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap.

Phoenix Rising

Goddard Film Group is working on a revival of Captain Power.
The new series is currently being developed under the name Phoenix RisingPretty much everyone agrees that Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future was a kind of a hokey name and trying to get people take a show with that name seriously is a sucker’s game. It’s a shame, of course, that they’ll lose the name-recognition, but Phoenix Rising is a good solid name (Assuming they don’t come up with something even better), and my sense of nostalgia is hardly justification for using a name that sounds like a superhero comic. Not even a real superhero comic; a fake superhero comic whose name someone rattles off in a long comic list in some story where one character establishes his credentials as a comic book nerd by rattling off a long comic list of superheroes. Also, Phoenix Rising is totally the name of my own post-apocalyptic Power Rangers fanfic. But I digress., and it’s reported to be a more serious, modern hour-long drama, something in the vein of the modern incarnation of Battlestar Galactica. All the classic characters are included (No word yet on Stingray, Tritor, or the female Liquid Metal Bio-Dredd whose name escapes me at the moment). And, blowing my mind even more, Tim Dunnigan is apparantly going to be playing the role of Mentor (The guy I describe in my reviews as “Hologram Kenny Loggins”).
I’ll post details as I learn them, but follow @PhoenixRisingTV on Twitter for news as it happens.
You know, when I started reviewing Captain Power about a year ago, I had no idea anything like this was even possible. I wasn’t even really actively aware that a big anniversary was coming up (It only occurred to me when someone mentioned that Star Trek The Next Generation had an anniversary coming). I was still thinking of Captain Power largely as a show that I remembered and no one else did. I’m really just floored to see that there are still so many people with so much love for a show that burned brightly, but too fast. Today, I can finally let go of that 24 years-long sting of disappointment from when I finally realized that Captain Power wasn’t coming back.
The best thing about this, for this thirty-three year old man who was a little boy back in 1987, is that some time soon now, I’m going to be able to share Phoenix Rising with my own little boy.
Link Roundup:

For what it’s worth, I swear, not having known anything about this announcement until 3:30 this afternoon, I was planning to do anyother Captain Power review next weekend. I’ll see if I can get it done any faster than that.

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